Monday, August 31, 2015


Ab heute, 1. Sep 2015, liefert UPC Cablecom die Daten ihrer Kunden an «Partnernetze, Konzerngesellschaften und Dritte» im In- und Ausland.
Zugestimmt haben die Kunden Mitte Juli, als sie die neuen AGBs der Cablecom unterzeichneten.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

ATTO, Manaus - AM, Brasil

ATTO (Amazon Tall Tower Observatory)
ATTO wird das Gegenstück zu dem 2006 fertig gestellten Turm ZOTTO sein, der in den Weiten Sibiriens steht. ATTO steht ca 150 km nordöstlich von Manaus AM.

ATTO ist eine brasilianisch-deutsche Forschungskooperation von:
    •    INPA - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brasil
    •    UEA - Universidade do Estado de Amazonas, Manaus, Brasil
    •    Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Mainz, Deutschland

The Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO) has been set up in a pristine rain forest region in the central Amazon Basin, about 150 km northeast of the city of Manaus. An ecological survey including a biodiversity assessment has been conducted in the forest region surrounding the site.

Stefan Wolff, from the Max Planck Institute:
“When the temperature increases, we have more energy in the atmosphere,” Mr Wolff said. “And when we have more energy in the atmosphere, a part of this has to be released. A good way of releasing this is a strong rain so there’s a great probability that some rains will be even heavier.”

Antonio Manzi, a researcher at the National Institute of Amazonian Research (Inpa) in Manaus:
“In 30 years, we will watch changes in climate and see the impact,” Mr Manzi said. “This is a scientific project. The results, we hope, will be used [to influence] public policy.”

ATTO sei 3 ft höher als der Eiffelturm ...
wie wenn das irgendeine Bedeutung hätte